CELTA stands for “Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults”. It is the original certificate course in teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) or teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), and it has been running for four decades. It is highly respected and recognized globally, with 7 out of 10 employers worldwide asking applicants to have it.

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STOP! You’re doing it all wrong.

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2021-12-10 11:30 - 12:30

December 10 th, 11:30 – 12:30 local time Bucharest, Romania


Online Training


As language teachers we all understand the power of words and the importance of communicating things clearly and in the right way; but are we always practising what we preach? When we speak to students or parents, or as managers to teachers and staff we need to be able to deliver a message that is understood by the listener in the same way we mean it as the speaker. We need to frame our words in the right way, ensure we are highlighting the right information and leave people feeling that they have benefited from their communication with us - are we doing it all wrong? Probably not, but let's slow down, take a step back and think about other ways we could say things.



David Cleary



Dave has over 20 years experience as an English teacher, teacher trainer, academic manager and school manager. He is currently the Director of Projects and Innovation at ILC International House Brno in the Czech Republic and also a freelance trainer. Before the pandemic he also ran the successful Trainers' Weekends in Brno. He holds both a DELTA and a Masters in International Business Management, giving him a unique perspective into what managers and trainers need to run successful schools and programs. As a trainer Dave likes to offer insights and ideas to teachers, and also ELT managers and teacher trainers.


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