CELTA stands for “Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults”. It is the original certificate course in teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) or teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), and it has been running for four decades. It is highly respected and recognized globally, with 7 out of 10 employers worldwide asking applicants to have it.

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Coffee @ IH Bucharest 3rd Edition

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2019-12-06 14:00 - 16:00

To be a good or a better young learner teacher? The coffee makes the difference. And a host who’s an accomplished trainer.


International House Bucharest (IHB) is happy to invite you to attend our third coffee talk with teachers of English who are eager to

✔ improve their ability to teach young learners

✔ develop their teaching methodology

✔ learn how they can boost their students’ motivation

✔ share ideas with fun enthusiastic peers


The coffee talk is taking place on Friday, 6 December 2019, from 2pm to 4pm.


This time round your trainer will be a surprise international guest speaker.


So come along and enjoy Coffee@IHB! We look forward to entertaining you.


Location:         IH Bucharest, the Tineretului centre

                        Str. Lânăriei 93-95

                        021 335 4490



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